Author’s Favorites

How to (Never) Get What You Want

Like many ideas and behaviors that are taught in the Christian Scriptures, at first glance, the word “contentment” seems to carry a negative connotation to it. Christians are clearly taught to be content in whatever circumstances we find ourselves (cf. Phil 4, Matt. 7, etc.). If we have food, clothing, and shelter we are to…

Breeding Geldings: The Bottomless Pit of Materialist Morality

Abstract: This essay will briefly examine the nature of morality from within a strictly naturalistic or materialistic perspective and will argue that within such a framework morality itself cannot establish a reason for one’s adherence to it. Why should human beings be moral? That seems like a simple question, I mean, who doesn’t want to…

A Taste of My Fiction: The Dehumanizing Effect of Sexual Fantasy

The majority of my blog posts are non-fiction, with the occasional poem thrown in from time to time, but I rarely exhibit any of my fiction. I’ve completed one work of fiction and have been trying to gain some traction with another one, with little success (I’m hoping this post might spur me on a…

Chillin’ in FairyLand with Chesterton and Friends

Perhaps nothing should capture the imagination as powerfully as the wonder of Creation. Even the simplest things, when humbly observed, should kindle a sense of the extraordinary. In our highly scientific and technological age we so easily lose sight of how marvelous, how strange, how captivating, our little blue dot really is. Anyone familiar with…

Does Old Earth Geology Presuppose Naturalism and Uniformity?

Abstract: This article will look at two common objections leveled against old earth geology by the modern movement known as Young Earth Creationism. It will argue that old earth geology neither presupposes naturalism nor uniformity. It will describe the most problematic presupposition that is a negative factor for both science and faith, which is methodological…

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